3868 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $2,738.67B
Total Volume 24h $938.91B


0.000031 (48.18%)

UHIVE is an easy-to-use social network that integrates the world’s first physical dimension and Hybrid blockchain technologies. It’s an advanced network, controlled by A.I. and supports virtual reality with the goal to offer users an enjoyable and secure experience. Physical dimensions give users' spaces in UHIVE a physical location in the network, and based on the user's engagement level, time spent on the app and some other factors, the user space will be more visible and attractive to other users, and this created a new marketing dimension, for example, if your space is near a famous space that has big traffic, most of the people visiting that space will see yours too, this will increase the value of your space location.

HVE is an Ethereum-based token that serves as a medium of exchange on the platform.

Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.000063
24h Low $0.000063
24h High $0.000098
Price in BTC 0.00000000114021 BTC
Current Supply 0 HVE
Total Supply 80,000,000,000 HVE
Market cap $0
24h Volume (coin) 3 HVE
24h Volume (currency) $0
24h Total volume (coin) 6 HVE
24h Total volume (currency) $0.00000000
Last updated 2025-03-12 14:18:12 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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