Particl is a blockchain-based eCommerce platform, allowing customers and merchants to be directl connected on a peer-to-peer network with reliable privacy features. Users can buy or sell anything, similar to eBay, Etsy or Amazon, except that all the transaction data, payments and conversations happen over a self-governed, distributed network instead of a central server. Transactions within the network are conducted in PART, the native cryptocurrency in the Particl PoS blockchain.
Visit website open_in_newMarket share | 0.00% |
Proof type | PoSv3 |
24h Open | $0.10 |
24h Low | $0.07 |
24h High | $0.10 |
Price in BTC | 0.00000077352029 BTC |
Current Supply | 14,732,599 PART |
Total Supply | 8,634,140 PART |
Market cap | $1,095,983 |
24h Volume (coin) | 35,597 PART |
24h Volume (currency) | $2,648 |
24h Total volume (coin) | 35,056 PART |
24h Total volume (currency) | $2.61K |
Last updated | 2025-02-22 08:15:51 +00:00 GMT |
ID | Market | Type | Price | Quantity | Total |
Date | Price | Volume |
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