MedicalChain will feature a dual blockchain structure, the first one allows to control access to health records using Hyperledger Fabric and the second one underlies all the platform applications and services. The MedicalChain platform will use the blockchain technology to allow health records registry in an auditable, transparent and secure way. Furthermore, the platform will use Civic identity management service to provide a easy and secure way to manage the identities of the platform users.
MedicalChian's platform will be powered by MedTokens (MTN), working as the access token to the platform services.
Market share | 0.00% |
Proof type | — |
24h Open | $0.0003 |
24h Low | $0.0003 |
24h High | $0.0003 |
Price in BTC | 0.00000000263456 BTC |
Current Supply | 500,000,000 MDCL |
Total Supply | 500,000,000 MDCL |
Market cap | $126,687 |
24h Volume (coin) | 269,613 MDCL |
24h Volume (currency) | $68 |
24h Total volume (coin) | 269,613 MDCL |
24h Total volume (currency) | $68.31 |
Last updated | 2025-02-22 08:16:47 +00:00 GMT |
ID | Market | Type | Price | Quantity | Total |
Date | Price | Volume |
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