3868 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $3,266.93B
Total Volume 24h $26,417.83B

Quantstamp Quantstamp star

0.0003 (17.93%)

The Quantstamp is a protocol that aims to create a scalable and cost-effective audit system to all smart contracts on the Ethereum network.The protocol will use the SAT solver software to verify the programs solidity. In order to have the necessary computing power for the software, the Quantstamp will leverage a distributed network of participants.

Quantstamp token (QSP) is an ERC-20 token that will benefit the users in several ways. QSP will reward those who contribute to the software for verifying the solidity programs, who run the Quantstamp validation node (a specialized node on the Ethereum network), and those who find bugs on the smart contracts.

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Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.0018
24h Low $0.0016
24h High $0.0023
Price in BTC 0.00000002163889 BTC
Current Supply 976,442,368 QSP
Total Supply 976,442,368 QSP
Market cap $2,032,051
24h Volume (coin) 1,302,433 QSP
24h Volume (currency) $2,710
24h Total volume (coin) 2,152,815 QSP
24h Total volume (currency) $4.48K
Last updated 2025-02-22 08:16:22 +00:00 GMT
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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